Play is an integral part of our relationship with our puppies. It helps strengthen your bond and is a great, fun way to sneak in some training.
You will learn how puppies play, how we should play with our puppy's toys, finding your puppy's outlet, and how to exercise your puppy (hint: you don't want to overdo it).
Safe and fun play sessions are essential for you and your pup. This course will give you ideas on how to play with your puppy and figure out what they like so you can use play as a reinforcer during training.
What kind of toys are right for your puppy? You will learn about the types of toys available for your puppy.
Learn how much exercise is needed for your puppy and how not to overdo it. Just because your puppy seems to have boundless energy at night doesn't always mean they need more exercise. Learn how much your pup requires.